The Brothers Gracchi

The fate of the CRNC hangs in the balance... we thought you should know the truth.

Monday, June 19, 2006


A lot of fuss has been made about the caucus meetings that have taken place over the last few weeks. Fellow bloggers have lived and died with every development. So what's the big to do?

Beats us.

Being Chairman of a CRNC caucus must be fun. We would take the helm of the Wet Caucus any day of the week, but only because it would give us an excuse to throw a party (like a CR needs an excuse!). But what do the Chairman of the Northeast, Midwest, Southern, and Western cauci actually do? As far as we can tell, they add the title to their resume and get talked about on blogs.

And, let us tell you, being caucus Chairman is one hell of a resume builder! What more could an employer want?! Getting elected to this position proves... umm, well... it proves something. I'll think of it in a second. Oh yeah! It proves that you don't really understand CRNC politics.

The opposition has flexed its collective muscles and won the much sought after (haha) spots! But these Rovian geniuses forgot that they are irrelevant. Or did they?

You see, it is the opinion of The Gracchi that these "leaders" know just exactly how useless their hard-won titles actually are. But that's not what's important. What is important is that a State Chairman made it on TruthCaucus. What is better than advancing yourself (if being praised on a terrible blog can be called "advancing") through meaningless caucus elections?

Getting your State Fed positive earned media for one.

Hosting incredibly successful State Chairman's training is pretty good, too. But that was of secondary importance this past weekend... who cares about empowering State Chairmen through training when we can elect a 38 year old as Southern Caucus Secretary!

In fact, those things that you never hear about the opposition "leaders" doing... those are pretty good. Maybe these guys would have more time to build their State Fed if they focused less on getting CR's elected to CR Offices, and started working on getting Republicans elected to real Offices. Then they could join the Gourley administration and the rest of us in celebrating one of the most successful years the CRNC has ever had.-TG