The Brothers Gracchi

The fate of the CRNC hangs in the balance... we thought you should know the truth.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Top 5 Targeted State Chairmen

As CR infighting rages (business as usual for some folks in this organization), we thought it would be helpful to break down what our sources have told us... here are the Top 5 most targeted State Chairmen:

1. Eliza Vielma, Texas – once the darling socialite of the insurgency, Eliza’s actions during the Southern Caucus elections were viewed as a personal betrayal by insurgent leaders. Led by Blake Harris, the insurgency is actively working to overthrow Eliza. Texas is a big state, and various elements unhappy with the TFCR provide ready and willing allies. After Eliza’s resolution calling for “more transparency from the CRNC” (we still don’t know what that means), her stock was on the rise among the insurgency. However, now it seems that Ms. Vielma is looking over her shoulder.
2. Michael Patlan, Oklahoma – the latest in Oklahoma’s pro-Gourley dynasty, Patlan has been silent in national CR politics since becoming state chairman. However, his Half Truth Caucus blog last summer has earned him plenty of long-lasting animosity. Despite Patlan’s overwhelming election, bitter in-state rival Joe Bosley remains active with the insurgency in an effort to remove Patlan.
3. Scott Wacholtz, Florida – Scott, long Tom Jardon’s faithful lieutenant, has reportedly been unhappy with the federation he inherited. Jardon spent so much time having his ego stroked for “leading” the insurgency that he forgot to run his federation (this may soon officially be named Blake Harris Syndrome). Wacholtz has upset pro-Jardon elements of the insurgency, both in and out of state, and may find himself in trouble soon.
4. Erin McTiernan, New York – The Empire State has a long history of infighting, disunity, and State Chairman head-hunting. Erin’s controversial campaign did nothing to bury these deep-seeded divisions, and her treatise against the Gourley administration did not win her any friends, Establishment or Insurgency. Both sides viewed her moves as childish, and her in-state battles will most likely occupy much of her time in the future.
5. Mason Harrison, California??? – Yeah, we know. We can’t believe it either! We have done a lot of fact-checking on this one, but the story seems to hold up. We won’t reveal specifics (mainly because we would laugh for hours if the birthplace of the insurgency split), but lets just say that elements at the University of Southern California are unhappy with the current CCR administration. Apparently, too much focus has been given to the website and National CR politics… sound familiar? To be honest, we actually think California has done a decent job over the years (way better than the other insurgency states).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet another well thought out post. The Gracchi are on fire!

1:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally a little reasoned analysis.

1:37 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott is freaking 35 years old! 35 35 35 35!! Old, pedafile! WEIRD. No self-respecting person at this age would be in COLLEGE Republicans.

2:28 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The entire opposition spends too much time on conference calls "plotting" than running their states... ridiculous...

2:29 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eliza is to be courted. Dayton and Maloney would be idiots to lose her.

2:41 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eliza is to be courted. Dayton and Maloney would be idiots to lose her.

2:41 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6 responses to Michael Patlan's post, all by Michael Patlan. He really is that pathetic.

2:53 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And he's spamming on others' boards again.

2:54 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eliza and Maloney don't matter... Maloney needs to get over College Republicans.

3:53 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patlan is making up shit, slandering as he goes.

3:57 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patlan, you're right. You're a top targeted state chair. Because you are an unethical douchebag.

4:11 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin McTiernan is extremely safe in New York. Those who know her support her strongly.

She is known as the "Harry Truman" of the CR's in the great state of New York, and like Truman, there is no doubt that McTiernan will go down in history as a great leader.

5:47 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eliza is a strong leader who is building up the lonestar state to a formidable machine. Harris should pay attention, and embrace rather than cast away this great leader.

5:49 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Michael Patlan is a spamming shit

6:57 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...Erin...that was quite the press release above. "Harry Truman..." you want to be known as the Harry Truman of


7:52 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Patlan is a coward and a lowlife who tries to frame other CRs for his cowardly attacks online. Girardin has nothing to do with these posts claiming he's "signing" them. That's just Patlan being his usual lying self.

8:41 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I definitely agree that Patlan and Eliza have to go. The other three are doing outstanding jobs for their states, respectively.

Eliza dug her own grave in the past few weeks, by turning a routine situation into a fiasco! Now, she is on the outs. Look for a big school College Republican to take over in Texas.

Patlan can't be gone soon enough in my honest opinion. This guy is a real scumbag, and I hope is out sooner than later!

9:47 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

like you have ever even talked to the oklahoma state chair. all you know is what little boys like ryan bilodouesh and blake harris make up on these blog

10:57 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eliza is also too old to be a CR... someone can't make it in the REAL state party.

8:04 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the fella that called Mike Patlan a real scumbag:

Do you actually know him or do you just know of him from the insurgency blogs that claim he's a spam artist? I've known him for a long time, and I can assure you he's not a scumbag. He is an assett to this organization unlike the insurgency which is just a big pain in the rear.

8:13 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And further, how could Patlan be the one behind this blog? HE is listed in the top 5 most targeted! Would he list himself?! You insurgents are idiots.

8:40 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why are you people so obsessed with Patlan /

12:05 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who rig elections, spam bulletin boards, and hurl personal attacks at women anonymously? Not an asset to this organization.

4:01 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hurl personal attacks at women"?

I had not heard this....what did patlan do this time?????

5:17 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hurl personal attacks against women?"

WTF mate? Erin McTiernan is a horrible state chair(person) for her ranting and questionable ethical decisions. That's an honest critique, not an attack.

6:47 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that Eliza is out at the next Texas CR convention. It's safe to say that she's a lame duck. There isn't any reason to pay attention to her.

7:22 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"People who rig elections, spam bulletin boards, and hurl personal attacks at women anonymously? Not an asset to this organization."

Show me some tangible evidence of any of this. Patlan did not rig an election in Oklahoma. Ask any Oklahoma CR with the exception of 3 people (one of whom wasn't even really a CR... she has yet to actually attend a training or a chapter meeting at her school and she's not on the membership list there), and they will tell you that they love Mike. He's wildly popular in OK, which is why he absolutely demolished Cleek at convention. Patlan gave away all of OU's votes and he still won like 90% of the vote. I could see someone suspecting an election being rigged if it was like 51% to 49% or something like that, but it wasn't even close!

As for the "King of Spam" thing, how can you possibly prove that any of that is Patlan? And what attacks has he thrown at women? Also, is it not just as bad for the people on crncchatter to hurl insults at Patlan? Show me something besides, and I'll consider some of these attacks on Patlan... if not, fuck off, insurgent.

8:53 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems like Patlan and his Pretty Prince are spamming away again. No one really likes you Patlan, and there are several schools itching to take you out.

You best be on your best behavior, Mr. Scumbag!

10:27 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is Patlan's Pretty Prince?

11:39 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several schools itching to take Patlan out? You obviously have no clue about Oklahoma CR politics. Patlan is Oklahoma.

8:23 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you assesment of the Texas chair. With no one running against Eliza at the last convention, she was unaminously elected. What you don't hear is that there were only around 6 or 7 chapters present. Among the colleges that refuse to work under a chairman vielma are UTD, UTEP, UTyler, DBU, SMU, Texas Tech, UTSA, A&M CC, TCU, Paul Quinn, Texas Southern, and others. Eliza nor any of her officers will answer any of these allegations. It is funny that a state with 40+ chapters in 2004 under Flourke has around ten under Eliza. What an embarrasment for the home state of the President.

It is time for the biggest chapter in the nation to take the helm of Texas CR politics.

Jason Fite in 07!!!

8:29 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did I mention that Texas still doesn't have a website!

How hard can it be.

8:31 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the only school looking to take Patlan out would be UCO, and that is just because they are extremely jealous of how good OU's chapter is and how inadequate they are.

I like the new slogan for Patlan...

Patlan is Oklahoma!

10:19 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're damn right Patlan is Oklahoma!!

4:44 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pascal would have won the election if he stayed in it. The girl is like 26, fat and overall DISGUSTING. She hasn't done anything in her state, yet she attacks Gourley for no substantial reason. Beau is also the biggest tool around. Blake is the man though.

7:24 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eliza's 72 Hour program before the Texas state convention was not "Get Out the Vote", it was "Put Out the Vote".

All she did was put out to secure her victory. Plain and simple. If you know her and haven't done her, you've got good tastes! If you don't know her and need done, get to know her. It will happen if she thinks you yield any power.

9:29 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no doubt Pascal would have won. Look at how many chapters left when he left! There are still tons of supporters in the federation that did not pull out. What does this mean: find someone willing to take over a trashed organization and out goes E-lies-a (clever, I know)

10:04 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear that there is a College Republican leader with national exposure moving into Texas that may run for Texas State Chair.

That person is originally from Texas, and is going to graduate school there. Should be interesting!

7:31 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that there's a strong possibility of Eliza resigning in the near future. Word on the street is that she may have realized just how far she overstepped her bounds during the Southern Caucus meeting.

8:51 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

new post Gracchis

8:12 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, the southern caucus move was designed by beau. Does anyone know why eliza would listen to this joker? She and beau ought to be on the endangered species list, it would be a benefit to both the administration and the reformers.

3:48 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My name is Jason Fite and I'm the Vice Chairman of the TFCR and Chairman of the Texas A&M College Republicans. First off, A&M is not the largest CR chapter in the nation. That is a fallacy. Second off, let me say that I in no way, shape, or form wish to be the CR Chairman of the State of Texas. It is flattering that someone would mention me for the job but I graduate from A&M in December and plan on being an officer in the United States Navy. I have no interest in the job of State Chairman.

It is true that the TFCR has lost membership since Sarah Floerke was chairwoman. That fact cannot be disbuted. Yet, the reason the TFCR has dwinddled is not because of one person but because of many people. Sadly, many former and current chapter chairs from both sides of the argument have put their own ego's and resume building before the good of the state federation. The last few years, TFCR has not fulfilled it's mission to the country and party because of this. Most lost their true focus; we're not here to build resumes and work for our own aggrandizement, we're here for the primary purpose of electing Republicans to office. We have failed lately in this mission because of a general apathy to help and the inability of people to put their egos on the back burner.

The current problems in our state and within the CRNC is the inability of people to put our cause first and their own personal interests second. This selfishness will hinder all the good that we can do as an organization until it is stopped. There can be only one ends to a means; either CR's exists to build our resumes and enhance our standings with prominent people or it exists so that we may elect the leaders that will maintain the the rule of law imbued in the Consitution by the Founding Fathers. We owe this duty and obligation to our country. Rememeber John Adams words, “Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives.”

7:01 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Patlan followed around Travis Cleek when he was running for OFCR chair, just to gather intel so he could use it for his own run for Chair. That's the kind of guy he is. We are COLLEGE REPUBLICANS and we don't have to stand for it.

8:37 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh shit, this is pathetic. Who do you really think is responsible for the anonymous bashing of Erin McTiernan and Eliza Vielma? It's Patlan. He's a bully and he gets a THRILL from hurling personal attacks at women.

We need to remove this corruption from the CRs. Patlan is NOT Oklahoma. Oklahoma can be saved. Those people are College Republicans and we will not allow the Gourley administration to destroy the CRs.

8:43 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fucking joke. For one you have no proof Patlan is behind anything, its just Bilodeoush, Hall, Thompson and Harris sitting around anonymously targetting him for whatever hardon they get from it. As an out of state CR chairman, you want to move for the removal of a state chair? You want to go down this road? Because we can start the discussion up and start removing the opposition one state at a time.

8:50 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patlan, your political career is over. There are 49 states in this country stacked with CRs who see how you've mistreated your fellow conservative activists. And we're not gonna stand for it.

9:04 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin McTiernan is not being attacked by Michael Patlan...she has enough people in her own state to do that.

9:37 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NYCR Ken Girardin is supporting her. Patlan is up to his usual lies.

9:43 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's coming! The replacement of Eliza is coming to Texas in the next few months.

He will come to Texas and right the ship Eliza has sunk. Texas will rise again! You, Eliza, can go to hell! He is coming to Texas!

11:54 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:28 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patlan you have breathed new life into the meaning of the word pathetic.

1:29 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its funny how Bilodeoush and Harris think its Patlan, and yet they keep posting as if its true. The insurgency, burning the village to save the village.

5:46 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is Rob Lee is moving to Texas, running from Nevada with his tail in between his legs.

6:36 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Michael Patlan followed around Travis Cleek when he was running for OFCR chair, just to gather intel so he could use it for his own run for Chair. That's the kind of guy he is. We are COLLEGE REPUBLICANS and we don't have to stand for it."

Intel? hahahaha. what intel? like, how long it took Cleek to write 30 page documents that were mispelled? this is CRs folks, intel doesnt exist... especially during the cleek fiasco. during his "campaign" he didnt make one sticker, sign, or do ANY campaigning. all he did was say that Michael Patlan is "corrupt". what a joke!

7:26 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Michael Patlan followed around Travis Cleek when he was running for OFCR chair, just to gather intel so he could use it for his own run for Chair."

You've got to be fucking kidding me. Travis Cleek did not attend a single event between October and convention in late April. His campaign never listed an accomplishment of his because there weren't any to list. He never shared a single idea or goal for CRs, all he did was bitch about Patlan and Lepak. There's a reason Travis only won his own chapter, which happens to be a total joke.

9:38 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name one incident where Patlan mistreated his fellow Oklahoma CRs. Just one. That's all I want to hear... one specific incident.

2:43 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does beating Travis Cleek 45 to 5 count as "mistreating"? Hahahaha.

4:37 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mason Harrison is dedicated to winning elections for Republican candidates in California and bringing out the best in conservatives on every college campus in his state. The only foes targeting Mason are the California Democrats.

Clearly this blog's author doesn't know what he's talking about.

7:28 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing Mason is committed to is playing national politics and looking like an amateur while doing it. Michael Davidson he is not.

9:52 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodluck Cleek in your future endeavors, just don't expect that future to be in politics.

9:53 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OKlahoma CR is one of the best federations in the nation!

6:24 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oklahoma won best State Fed last summer...

6:42 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK has two of the largest chapters in the country, without having to forge membership lists like some schools in the west

11:29 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And some entirely FAKE federations in the WEST!

1:26 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhrig ran his federation into the ground, montana exists only because tyler matthews plays tough guy on these blogs. Do alaska and hawaii even have chapters, or just someone to say they are the fed chapter chair, like miltenberger does?

2:04 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is coming to texas? I have to know???? This could be big! real big!!! Eliza, your days are numbered!

4:55 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason Fite, it is letters like that which make you the most credible leader for Texas. Eliza needs to get out of the way so a real leader like you can make this a successful year for those in Texas.

4:58 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Mexico, Alaska and Wyoming are all phony federations.

6:15 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nationally known leader coming to Texas" take over tfcr....hehe...this state is very difficult to unify and very difficult take control...neither Sara Floerke, Margaret Ritzert has ever had dominant control of the Texas CR chapters. It is too early to forcast on Eliza. Floerke term as chairman was the most controversial and had the most infighting out all of them and its funny to see how outside of Texas, she is considered a great chairman.

With regard to Texas chapters leaving TFCR, a school must formally submit documents stating their intention of leaving and only Dallas Baptist has done so, not suprisingly since their candidate dropped out of the race after forseeing a sure defeat last spring and in effect like a child-"lost the game, didn't like the result and took their balls and bats and went home" and not being professional and staying to the end of the race even if it would resulted in a loss. The 2004, 2005, 2006 (DBU) TFCR elections continue the Texas tradition of having a few chapters "leave" the federation whenever they lose state elections.

As far as attendance at the last state Convention...due to the fact there was not ONE CONTESTED ELECTION for state officers following the dropouts...alot of schools chose not to attend the convention...add in the fact that it was miserably planned and had no real incentive for people to attend, its no surprise there was low turnout.

6:08 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah was a POOR choice for Co-Chair!!

7:57 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a school does not pay their yearly dues before the state convention- they are not part of the TFCR! Such is the case of why there is only a handful of chapters left in the biggest republican state!

Nobody showed up because nobody was left.

She couldn't even win re-election as chair of her own chapter!!!!!
(how pathetic) If they won't elect her, what was the 5 other schools in Texas thinking supporting her???

8:39 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Mexico's federation is indeed legit. GOP State Party Chairman Allen Weh signed off on the new NMFCR officers, which is led by Chairman Dusty Marshall. Former NMFCR State Chairman Scott Darnell also signed off on it for good measure.

Gourley and Hydro received a fax from Weh and things are now going better than they ever did under Darnell's leadership. New Mexico has 7 solid chapters, with plans to double that number in the fall.

Hardly what one would call phony!

10:07 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""Nationally known leader coming to Texas" take over tfcr....hehe...this state is very difficult to unify and very difficult take control""

Who uses "hehe" when writing except Eliza Vielma...use your name next time! We all know you live on the blogs.

8:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest chapter in Texas wants Eliza gone. Did anyone see that coming????

I did! Texas Revolution!!!!!

2:09 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason Fite is full of it if he can't admit that his chapter is the largest in the nation. He's attempting to prevent his accention to the throne of TFCR chairman. Texas A&M is the largest chapter in the country, UC Berkely comes close but has yet to overtake A&M. If Jason Fite is not willing to become chairman of TFCR then he should resign as vice-chair because the tfcr organization is totally worthless. Texas A&M College Republicans should not be concerned with the needs of Eliza and her pleabs, rather, Texas A&M CR's should focus on the tight congressional campaign in which it finds itself.

10:12 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to Patlan/Cleek bit, Cleek did not run a "real" campaign because he knew that the system was against him. The convention was a mockery of democracy but he wanted to take a stand on principle. I do not consider voter intemidation and blatant fraud to be a legitimate election. Patlan got elected because he went outside of the OU and UCO powerbases and started shell groups out of small universities that were given equal weight.
The next convention should be interesting. Oklahoma State has grown by leaps and bounds and maybe considered the largest chapter in the state. Also, with Patlan resigning and a new task force appointed to get a new constitution written and to get the federation's finances in order could level playing field. The chairman of the task force is a huge Gourley supporter, though, so don't expect a whole lot of reform.

9:02 PM PST  
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