The Hot Light of Publicity
Sheik Harris, Chairman of the Alabama Federation of College Republicans, is a hypocrite. What now, you ask?
Sheik Harris spent valuable State funds on a brand new website for his state. It looks good, so what’s the problem? Well, the Sheik did this immediately before the CRNC launched “Operation Big Trunk,” which provided free web space for all State Feds and Chapters in the entire country. The CRNC not only provided this free web space, but also an extremely user-friendly template to actually create those websites.
We wonder how foolish Sheik Harris feels for spending valuable funds (probably a lot of money he couldn’t afford to spend) on a new website for the Alabama CRs right before the CRNC handed him a free website that looks just as good as the one he paid for. This is a perfect example of renegade State Chairmen hurting their State Fed by being more focused on hating the “Establishment” than running their organization. If Sheik Harris could have put aside his hissy-fit for 5 minutes, he would have known about the CRNC web program and could have redirected the money to something that actually helps get Republicans elected (like campaign stipends for volunteers).
Or worse, maybe he pulled a “HughDerek Derek Hugh Hall Hugh Derek” and made a “stand on principal” in refusing help from the CRNC (after demanding for a year that the CRNC help States more). We feel sorry for Alabama CRs.
So here comes the hypocrisy…
Throughout the year following the Gourley administration’s election, Sheik Harris has lead fellow insurgents clamoring for “more transparency” and responsibility in the expenditure of CRNC funds. But the Sheik doesn’t follow his own advice. First, he wastes CRFA funds on an unnecessary website. It is unknown how much this website cost, but it was professionally made so it was surely expensive. The actual amount of the expenditure has not been disclosed (the opposite of transparency… opacity even). What financial controls exist as a check on the Sheik? The only comment on this in Alabama State Constitution is the following in Article III, Section 8e:
“The Treasurer shall be responsible for the monitoring the financial records of the CRFA and shall prepare quarterly reports for the Executive Board.”
That’s it. That is THE ONLY mention of State finances in the CRFA Constitution! No mention of who decides how to spend funds, no votes, no recourse, no accountability. CRFA is about as transparent as a lake next to Chernobyl!
It doesn’t end there. Another talking point for Sheik Harris and the insurgency is that the CRNC should provide more assistance to States and Chapters. The Gourley administration has now taken a huge, unprecedented step through Operation Big Trunk… and we haven’t heard a peep from the insurgency. Also, The Gracchi seem to remember the big complaint against Team Gourley last summer was that their web abilities were not up to snuff compared to the Davidson campaign. We always thought that Davidson’s website was information overload and difficult to follow, and that Gourley’s campaign website was pretty good, but that is neither here nor there. The point is one of the following: 1) The insurgents were wrong and Gourley really was on track in cyberspace, or 2) Gourley was formerly bad, but has put incredible effort into attacking that weakness… and succeeded. Either way, Gourley has done something that insurgents previously complained he couldn’t do… how can anyone complain?
In addition, there is a link to TruthCockus on the Alabama website. Now let’s think about this… if you were a State Chairman, what would you want non-CRs (campaigns, potential donors, and media) to see on your website? If your answer is “a poorly written blog that constantly attacks the very organization I am a part of and makes my organization look like a bunch of arguing children,” then please, never run for any CR office. What a convincing plea to potential donors! “We are a group of infighting political neophytes who are more interested in attacking hardworking members of our own organization than helping the Republican candidate you support get elected, but please give us money anyway!”
The Gracchi think that Sheik Harris should take the following actions to remedy his mistake:
1) Provide a public, detailed accounting of exactly how much CRFA money he wasted on the website.
2) Produce a detailed action plan of how he will raise money to fill that deficit in time to assist in the November elections.
3) Discontinue any payments to the current CRFA web administrators and utilize the CRNC web space and template.
4) Outline a system of financial reporting to make CRFA more transparent.
5) Remove the TruthCockus link from the CRFA website
6) Apologize to Alabama CRs and to the CRNC National Board for being a terrible State Chairman.
After that, maybe the Sheik could start doing what he was supposed to be doing all this time… enabling his organization to help Republicans get elected.—TG
Sheik Harris spent valuable State funds on a brand new website for his state. It looks good, so what’s the problem? Well, the Sheik did this immediately before the CRNC launched “Operation Big Trunk,” which provided free web space for all State Feds and Chapters in the entire country. The CRNC not only provided this free web space, but also an extremely user-friendly template to actually create those websites.
We wonder how foolish Sheik Harris feels for spending valuable funds (probably a lot of money he couldn’t afford to spend) on a new website for the Alabama CRs right before the CRNC handed him a free website that looks just as good as the one he paid for. This is a perfect example of renegade State Chairmen hurting their State Fed by being more focused on hating the “Establishment” than running their organization. If Sheik Harris could have put aside his hissy-fit for 5 minutes, he would have known about the CRNC web program and could have redirected the money to something that actually helps get Republicans elected (like campaign stipends for volunteers).
Or worse, maybe he pulled a “HughDerek Derek Hugh Hall Hugh Derek” and made a “stand on principal” in refusing help from the CRNC (after demanding for a year that the CRNC help States more). We feel sorry for Alabama CRs.
So here comes the hypocrisy…
Throughout the year following the Gourley administration’s election, Sheik Harris has lead fellow insurgents clamoring for “more transparency” and responsibility in the expenditure of CRNC funds. But the Sheik doesn’t follow his own advice. First, he wastes CRFA funds on an unnecessary website. It is unknown how much this website cost, but it was professionally made so it was surely expensive. The actual amount of the expenditure has not been disclosed (the opposite of transparency… opacity even). What financial controls exist as a check on the Sheik? The only comment on this in Alabama State Constitution is the following in Article III, Section 8e:
“The Treasurer shall be responsible for the monitoring the financial records of the CRFA and shall prepare quarterly reports for the Executive Board.”
That’s it. That is THE ONLY mention of State finances in the CRFA Constitution! No mention of who decides how to spend funds, no votes, no recourse, no accountability. CRFA is about as transparent as a lake next to Chernobyl!
It doesn’t end there. Another talking point for Sheik Harris and the insurgency is that the CRNC should provide more assistance to States and Chapters. The Gourley administration has now taken a huge, unprecedented step through Operation Big Trunk… and we haven’t heard a peep from the insurgency. Also, The Gracchi seem to remember the big complaint against Team Gourley last summer was that their web abilities were not up to snuff compared to the Davidson campaign. We always thought that Davidson’s website was information overload and difficult to follow, and that Gourley’s campaign website was pretty good, but that is neither here nor there. The point is one of the following: 1) The insurgents were wrong and Gourley really was on track in cyberspace, or 2) Gourley was formerly bad, but has put incredible effort into attacking that weakness… and succeeded. Either way, Gourley has done something that insurgents previously complained he couldn’t do… how can anyone complain?
In addition, there is a link to TruthCockus on the Alabama website. Now let’s think about this… if you were a State Chairman, what would you want non-CRs (campaigns, potential donors, and media) to see on your website? If your answer is “a poorly written blog that constantly attacks the very organization I am a part of and makes my organization look like a bunch of arguing children,” then please, never run for any CR office. What a convincing plea to potential donors! “We are a group of infighting political neophytes who are more interested in attacking hardworking members of our own organization than helping the Republican candidate you support get elected, but please give us money anyway!”
The Gracchi think that Sheik Harris should take the following actions to remedy his mistake:
1) Provide a public, detailed accounting of exactly how much CRFA money he wasted on the website.
2) Produce a detailed action plan of how he will raise money to fill that deficit in time to assist in the November elections.
3) Discontinue any payments to the current CRFA web administrators and utilize the CRNC web space and template.
4) Outline a system of financial reporting to make CRFA more transparent.
5) Remove the TruthCockus link from the CRFA website
6) Apologize to Alabama CRs and to the CRNC National Board for being a terrible State Chairman.
After that, maybe the Sheik could start doing what he was supposed to be doing all this time… enabling his organization to help Republicans get elected.—TG
Fucking awesome.
another stupid post attempting to take down the oppositions candidate for national chairman.
Personal attacks....real classy guys. you are just as hypocritcal as you claim Harris is. You criticize the opposition for trashing the gourley crowd, but then make your own attacks.
Did you ever consider that maybe Alabama CRs wanted their own website? Did you ever consider that Blake Harris knows more about Alabama CRs and their feelings on this matter than a ridiculous anonymous blog?
The CRNC is providing a good service with free websites, but if you want a true professional, original website with full functionality, you cant get it from the CRNC templates.
You guys were really reaching this time. If the best you can come up with to criticize Blake is a whiny rant about not using CRNC webspace, the establishment is in more trouble than I thought.
Why are you guys so jealous of Truth Caucus?
Osama Blake Harris sucks dong.
I'm sorry, but at what point did you become intrested in what a state decides to do with it's own money?
Do you live in Alabama?
If the answer is no, you need to shut the fuck up.
This was a useless post. Im not fond of Blake Harris, but this is very very unfair. What he does with AFCR funds is none of your business. Also Operation Big Trunk that HYDRO put together, not Gourley, looks very poor.
If Blake wants to use AFCR funds to build a good looking website, he has that right. You could do a simliar post on 95% of the state chairs out there.
man, the Gracchi must have really hit a nerve with this one... look at all the bitching an moaning from the insurgency! guess they cant take it when someone gives them some of their own medicine. great post!
The reason it matters is because it is an election year and those funds could be used to help Republicans get elected. It was a bad decision made by sheik harris to thumb his nose at the current administration. What a waste of money! In an election year it is important that every state is doing their best to get Republicans in office, and AFCR clearly is not doing that.
"I'm sorry, but at what point did you become intrested in what a state decides to do with it's own money?"
what an incredibly dumb comment. can cockus only comment on stuff in dc? how bout chatter and every other shitty insurgency blog?
Gotta love that hot light of publicity...
These people betray our trust! As a CR I am shocked by the ridiculous waste of good money. As a reader I am intrigued by the extent of the Gracchi's comparison of the opposition to the insurgency. Sheik. ha!
Shining the light on Blake Harris is retarded. You couldn't find anything on the bigger names, so you attacked the little redhead down south!
Ooooh! Now we're really scared of you guys!
What bigger names?
Harris deserves this scrutiny since he spends every waking minute trying to interject himself into the national scene as some sort of behind the scenes kingmaker. He's spent hours upon hours traveling to other states conventions, talking on insurgency conference calls, and attending "secret" insurgency meetings instead of spending that time building his own federation and helping to elect Republicans. How many good state chairmen out there have had the time to parade all over the country playing CR political games? Answer, none. Outside of campaigning, raising money, putting together a grassroots plan, and going to school, they hardly have time to breathe. If you're doing what Harris is doing, your state is going to suffer for it. Harris has completely avoided criticism and rebuke for his actions because he is the bitch lover of the blogs, the IUDs of the insurgency. Since he so desperately wants to be a player with national recognition, he deserves the same scrutiny as Gourley and his people receive. Congrats to the Brothers Gracchi for bringing some balance to the playing field.
Attacking the "water boy" of the reform movement does not win you any battles!
Start sacking some of our star players and then you can throw yourselves a pep rally. Until then, keep your pom-poms to yourself.
Why is former Michael Davidson lawyer, and opposition chief advisor Soren Dayton so closely connected with the group "Republican Youth Majority"?
Dayton, along with a Washington consultant Roman Buhler recently founded this new group. It's slogan is Pro-Choice, Pro-Environment. The group is closely allied with "Republicans for choice", and regularly has members of "Republicans for Choice" speak at its weekly meetings at Bullfeathers restaurant in Washington D.C. The organization is also closely aligned with the Log Cabin Republicans and other groups opposed to defining marriage as between a man and a woman.
Dayton, as stated above, helped to found this organization, and regularly appears at its meetings and office. He is a close friend of Buhler, and has tried to use his position in the Young Republicans to bring new members into RYM.
Dayton is known in the College Republican world as one of Michael Davidson's chief advisors. He was one of several who barged into CRNC offices last year with a video camera in the middle of the night while CRNC staff were busily preparing for the 2005 convention. He could also be seen almost everywhere at the convention with video camera in hand, often times coming within six inches of the faces of the CRNC staff with his camera, supposedly to keep an eye out for any irregularities.
Today, Dayton is a top advisor to the opposition. He is is constant communication with members of the opposition and regularly appears on the opposition's conference calls.
What sets Dayton apart from most CR's (one state chair from FL. excepted) is that he's in his late thirties. He hasn't been in college for many years. So why does Mr. Dayton have such a keen interest in the activities of the College Republicans? Many have speculated that he does it to give his life some meaning. It seems more likely that he has more sinister purposes.
When Michael Davidson decided to run for national chairman, he was already closely aligned with GenNext, another pro-choice, pro-environment, anti traditional marriage group. Dayton served Davidson's campaign with a level of fervor rarely seen in the even the most bitter of partisans, despite his long detachment from college life.
Is it any coincidence that Dayton chose the candidate percieved as more liberal in the CRNC elections? Soren Dayton is a man with an agenda. It is an agenda far away from that of most CR's, and yet he is one of the chief drivers of a group that says it has the majority of state chairs behind it.
So the opposition needs to evaluate the situation. Is Soren Dayton as committed to the opposition cause as he is because he cares oh-so-much about an organization that is unabashedly Conservative? Or does he care oh-so-much about our Conservative organization because he wants to make it more liberal?
All of these questions aside, why is Dayton helping to create a counter organization to the CR's by the name of "Republican Youth Majority" when he supposedly wants to see CR's succeed so badly. All CR's should instinctively distrust all individuals who stand with Soren Dayton.
Linking to Truth Caucus has become socially acceptable. It's a well-updated blog that tracks CR actions nationwide, something in high demand.
After reading that post above, I really would like to see the opposition leaders explain themselves with regards to this Dayton guy. Who the hell does he think he is?! and who do the opposition people think they are giving him a foothold in OUR CRNC?
I love how the opposition comes up with the phrase "Your CRNC" meaning that it belongs to grassroots CR's, beats the phrase into the seventh center of hell, and then proceeds to hand our organization over to every stray comer willing to give them a hand, no matter their motivations.
If the opposition extremists had their way, the CRNC would be led by unelected outsiders like Soren Dayton and Saul Anuzis. I'd like to remind the opposition extremists of their own words: This is OUR CRNC.
Soren Dayton is an old pedafile that needs to get a life and try to deal in real politics... he's too old for YRs... and Blake Harris needs to get a freakin life and stop spending every single moment of the day doing CR politics that is useless... and he needs to attempt to lead some form of a state federation... like the rest of the opposition... the worst states are all opposition...
Word on the grapevine is that a half dozen Alabama chairs are pissed at Harris after reading this article!
Is this the first those chairs have heard about this? So much for the opposition's beloved transparency!
transparency is a crappy excuse for a policy that got started by accident by a drama loving complainer who didn't know how to articulate themselves. The opposition, nor any idiot that has whined about transparency, has never ever articulated how they want this to happen. These ignorant idiots just want to complain. "Transparency" is always good for any organization, but what exactly and how exactly do they want it? This is a catch phrase just like the democrats would use.
Yeah, just like "tax cuts for the rich".
Word on the street is that the Alabama GOP is looking into the matter. Harris has been begging them for fundraising help and they don't like that he has mismanaged the funds this way!!
When you take shots at everyone else all the time, you should expect a post like this about yourself. Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.
I hate Blake Harris
I am an Alabama CR and this post makes me sick. Blake Harris is so busy grandstanding and traveling to other states and trying to make a name for himself that he has not done a single thing to help the everyday CRs! AFCR should focus on Alabama NOT the CRNC. Grow up, Blake!
well he was dul elected chair by the AFCR so you're stuck with him no matter what type of schmuck he might be... i mean its not like he's a Latin American dictator imposed on CR's in Alabama. Why not actually settle your scuffle w/Harris by talking to him?
Yeah let's use the CRNC's shitty website service. The CRNC finally gives something to federations, and its a P-O-S. Paul refuses to give state feds any significant block grants, so fu$k it.
D@n $chuberth likes p-p.
Why don't the Alabama CRs impeach Harris and start some real chapters on their campuses!!
There are real chapters, Walton.
I don't know who is faking comments on this blog, but here's the deal: you cannot post claiming you are someone you are not. Mr. "Roll Tide" at 3:28PM and the anonymous at 4:59PM are NOT from Alabama. They do NOT know Blake Harris personally, and there is NO Alabama GOP investigation. Whoever is making up these comments, you will be exposed.
"I don't know who is faking comments on this blog"
followed by
"Mr. "Roll Tide" at 3:28PM and the anonymous at 4:59PM are NOT from Alabama. They do NOT know Blake Harris personally, and there is NO Alabama GOP investigation."
"I don't know who is faking comments on this blog"
followed by
"Whoever is making up these comments, you will be exposed."
Something tells me you have trouble with simple logic
Anonymous said...
I don't know who is faking comments on this blog, but here's the deal: you cannot post claiming you are someone you are not. Mr. "Roll Tide" at 3:28PM and the anonymous at 4:59PM are NOT from Alabama. They do NOT know Blake Harris personally, and there is NO Alabama GOP investigation. Whoever is making up these comments, you will be exposed.
6:49 PM PDT
You tell them! This blog is full of crap.
Plecnik is a dividing force in the reform movement. He can't get a seat at the adult table so he's going to try to use Ludeman to make him credible. He'll do more harm than good.
Good point. If ludeman takes any advice from anyone he should listen to the advice above. Plecnik is a little off and ludeman should just humor him but don't spend too much time with him. Just handle him the way the Davidson campaign did, ignore him for the most part and yes him to death when you need to talk to him.
Screw Ludeman. He couldn't even put together a winning ticket in the Western Caucus. How can he win nationwide?
Bob Cornelius is writing for Save The GOP. I'm waiting for the Brothers to put out a hit piece on him next!
No kidding. These Gourley goons attack Bob Cornelius with childish nicknames, while he goes out and works his ass off for the Republican Party.
If these clost jack offs spent as much time working for the Republican Party as they did calling Bob Cornelius names, we'd never have to worry about losing our majorities in the House or Senate!
Is the Conservative Society of America going to be the oppositions' version of the CRNC?
Take a look at
The Conservative Society of America was never intended to be anything other than a non-partisan conservative organization.
This group supports all conservatives, and wishes to spread the conservative message throughout our nation's many colleges and universities!
The CSA has members of both the establishment and the opposition. There is a strong contrast between the CRNC and the CSA. The CSA runs in the black, and the CRNC will soon have to declare bankruptcy!
Do you think Plecnik has any idea that Thompson is trash talking on him to other state chairs? I guess he realized what most of us figured out long ago, he doesn't need plecnik anymore.
Michael Patlan, I don't understand your motives behind running this site. Why don't you respond to charges that you and that cheap guy Harding locked your opponents out of the hotel, disenfranchised a chapter after learning it felt you were corrupt, attempted to fool an in-state opponent into joining a farse credentials committee, and otherwise lied and beswindled the Oklahoma fed to your own advantage? Ben Lepak deserved his impeachment and you will deserve yours when it comes.
In what can only be seen as a blow to the few remaining opposition insurgents, Hugh Derek Hall has quit as the Chairman of the Kentucky Federation mere weeks before the semester begins.
Hugh was hired to work on a local campaign. In the spirit of the opposition, he chose to do what is best for his own career rather than help the college republicans who elected him prepare for the election season ahead.
Look for Hall in the coming days to be announced as the "National Committeeman" from Kentucky, so that he can further serve his political aspirations without ever having to work for the Kentucky College Republicans.
We should get rid of this national committeeman bullshit. Be a state chair and work hard, or get off the board.
Michael Patlan does not run this blog. Think farther north....
Michael Patlan does not run this blog. Think farther north....
I still stand behind my theory that this would be the strongest opposition team we can put on the field.
Chair- Nick Miccarelli
CoChair- Lindsay Moffett
1st Vice- Mike Miltenberger
2nd Vice- Brent Ludeman
Sec- Meredith Lane
Treas- Dan Carlton
Put this team together with someone who is an accomplished manager the likes of Bob Cornelius or Tommy Jardon, and the CRNC would flourish. No scandals, no bullshit. Just results!
Oh yeah, Tom Jardon is a reall "accomplished" manager. His stunning accomplishment he reported on at the National Board meeting was the he was "thinking about getting a bank account for the Florida CRs". He can't even set up a bank account for his federation and these insurgency idiots followed his lead like sheep. Pathetic.
Meredith Lane is a crazy person who is a liar and bipolar. Not only is she crazy, she's not a state chairman. She is very weird and creepy. It's Dan CARLSON, you idiot, not CARLTON. Brent Ludeman and Washington state CR are pathetic. Lindsay Moffett is a dumb slut. Mike Miltenberg is a power hungry nut job who's done nothing in his state and his state party hates him. Nick Miccareli is too old and needs to grow out of CR - the world should be much bigger after going to Iraq and back. Do REAL politics.
Miccarelli is 23. That's too old?
or 24? Either way, Hoplin was 25 and so was Scott Stewart.
Miccarelli is the way to go. He's someone that both sides don't necessarily like but they can live with.
Won't happen, Miccarelli is with Gourley.
People like Beau Correll and John Plecnik are the reason why people are jumping ship on the opposition. Both of them are morons and they are turning people off. If the opposition wants a chance at taking the chairmanship then they ought to get rid of those two losers. If they don't they might as well concede to Gourley now.
How about some real leadership for a change? All I ask is that the CRNC elect quality people that won't stick to the elderly for a profit!
Can we get some people with a little integrity in this organization. A breath of fresh air is badly needed in our CRNC!
Anyone know who writes TC?
Who cares?
Hey truth caucus, the jerk store called, they are all out of you!
truth caucus is a fag
Just wondering, don't get upset. It just seems like too much time has passed for someone not to know who writes it.
This site is retarded.
Why can't we elect a woman for a change for Chair?
Come on Gracchi. New Post.
Women can't drive and they sure can't lead. Sorry.....
Miccarelli is a putz and has no idea what he's doing. He's already washed up at 23 and will never play on a national level. He's head is too far up his ass.
completely agree - Miccarelli is a complete moron, who makes good girls uncomfortable and slutty girls earn their reputation. I agree - I liked him better before he got his head up his ass. He's only worked on losing campaigns - anyone else notice that?
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新しくなったスタービーチは新しいであいのカタチを提案します★ あなたに出逢いたい人がここにいます。
神待ちサイト ガールズBBSは家出少女を救う神待ち専用の掲示板です!登録無料で家出少女と出会えるチャンス
Hi there!
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変な性癖があるのはどう思いますか?私、獣姦とか好きなんです…いきなりこんな話驚きますよね…引きましたか?Σ(゜□゜(゜□゜*)野外とかにも興味があります!変態チックなのもたまにはいいですよ\(^-^ )こんな私にメールしてくれるとうれしいです。メールから色んな話しましょ(^_^)年上の人がいいです、私は27歳ですよ!それでは、メール待ってますね
今まで趣味とか仕事に夢中になってて気付いたら一人ぼっちで彼氏いなーい(_´Д`)恋愛からしばらく離れてたから…時々さびしくなっちゃったりするんだよね( p_q)同じくさびしーって人いる?けっこう甘えたりするところがあるから大人の人が好きだよ☆だから、年下はゴメンネ(。-人-。) メアドつけておくから気に入ってくれたらメールしてね!待ってまーす
Yes undoubtedly, in some moments I can reveal that I acquiesce in with you, but you may be inasmuch as other options.
to the article there is stationary a without question as you did in the go over like a lead balloon a fall in love with delivery of this demand on boniva commercial ?
I noticed the catch-phrase you have not used. Or you use the dreary methods of promotion of the resource. I possess a week and do necheg
仕事や趣味に夢中になってたらいつの間にか独りきりになってた…彼氏も長いこといなくて恋愛から離れてました( ´_ゝ`)そろそろ恋愛にも夢中になりたいけど男の子とどうせっしたらいいか教えて下さい(-^▽^-) 動物好きだから、年上で動物好きな人仲良くしてね(。・w・。 ) ペット連れて散歩なんていいよね!!まずはのんびりメールからお願いします
初めましていずみって言います☆1年半以上恋してません…(/∇≦\)元彼と付き合ってた時にあんまり会えなくて恋愛してた感じがなかった(;‾ ‾)それから臆病になってたけど長いこと彼がいないからそろそろホンキで恋したいなーなんて思ってますo(^-^o)けっこう天然入ってるから大人で引っ張ってくれる人で年上の人と仲良くしたいです☆気になった人はメールしてね
つい最近独り暮らし始めましたヾ(〃^∇^)ノお家で料理作っても食べてくれる人がいない(´−`)彼氏いないからあたしと過ごしてくれる人いませんか?手料理ごちそうするよぉ!よかったらメールして下さい(o~ー~)年下の人はゴメンネ…(*_ _)人メール待ってます♪
男性が主役です! 女性会員様からの謝礼は貴方次第、ご近所出張ホストは女性向けフ一ゾクの決定版!エロい一時を求めて男性様との触れ合いを秘密厳守で探しておられます。エロマダム様達と過ごす癒しの一時を…エロい人妻様会員様を満足させてあげれるのはあなただけなのです
毎日楽しい生活してても何かが足りないって思った時何が足りないか分かったの…O(≧▽≦)O それは恋愛だったんだ~って(苦笑)σ(^_^;)唯一、私にはなかったもの…彼氏がほし~い(>▽<;; フリーの人いませんか?私を恋人にして下さい♪♪仲良くなってどこかへ遊びに行きませんか?(≧▽≦;)明るい性格なので、一緒にいて楽しいと思います!!年下の人は苦手で仲良くなる自信がないので私より年上の人でお願いしますヽ(*´ー`)ゞ少しでも気になった人は今すぐにメール下さい♪
彼氏いない歴2年半になろうとしてます、なかなか相性の合う人と出会えず、好意をよせてくれる人もいたけどダメだった。 一緒にいて楽しくて落ち着く人と、仲良くなって恋愛したい!!甘えさせてくれる人がいいから、年下の人は私には向いてません。よろしくね!
2010 競馬予想 各厩舎・調教師から届けられる最強の馬券情報を限定公開!本物の オッズ 表はコレだ
よく「彼氏いるでしょ~?」って言われるけど、イナイよσ(‾^‾)トモダチ集めてホームパーティーなんかしたりするのがマイブームでして♪♪好きな人ができてもハズかしくて告れない…(>_< )しゅりのココロをゲットしてぇ~☆コドモっぽい性格だから年上でお兄ちゃんみたいな人がタイプだよ(*^m^*)
変わってるって言われるけどわりといい人だよ(笑)!!お笑い好きな人だったら話盛り上がりそうだねO(≧▽≦)O 色んなことに興味深々でおっちょこちょいだからそばで支えてくれる人募集中σ(゜-^*)自分の年齢的に年下の男の子はアウトだからごめんね(*_ _)人
新しくなったスタービーチは新しいであいのカタチを提案します★ あなたに出逢いたい人がここにいます
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